Florida mangoes for sale: “The Mango Factory” grows and ships the freshest, juiciest, fiberless, and best-tasting mangoes in the world, directly to your door, anywhere in the country, EXCEPT California. They are shipped by USPS priority mail (and usually arrive in 1-3 days). Let us ship to your family & friends. Our mangoes are “Guaranteed to put a smile on your face!” Open 7 days a week 10-4 pm ONLY during the season June-August.
THE SEASON IS Now Closed. So many orders came in yesterday & today that we cannot fill all of our orders. You will be receiving a refund if we cannot fill your order. We appreciate your loyalty to The Mango Factory…Doug & Barb.
- All our fruit is guaranteed to arrive in good condition and ripen properly, or they will be replaced or your money back on the damaged portion.
- Our fruit is “Organic, but not certified“ so we can pass the savings on to you. We are a second-generation, family-owned, and locally grown business, that grows all of our own fruit.
- We are not a large corporation that buys from unknown sources or imports fruit picked too green to ripen like found in most stores today.
- We use the highest “responsible & sustainable” growing practices for those who care about what they eat. Once you try our tree-matured fruit you will never go back to imported store-bought fruit.
- Fruit with integrity and taste, not found elsewhere. A taste you won’t soon forget. Once discovered, customers are “hooked” for life!
- Our Varieties: We have some of the world’s most desired mango varieties. We have early-season, mid-season, and late-season mangoes. Most varieties last 4 to 6 weeks starting in June until early September.
- A typical season is 12 weeks long (June to early September). Some varieties are limited in quantity because we have fewer trees of some varieties.
- Early-Season Mangoes: Haydens (June), Bombays (June), Irwins (June), Sensations (June), Cambodians, and Filipino (June). J-Byrds (July exclusive to us), Valencia Prides (June-July), Tommy Atkins (June-July).
- Mid-Season Mangoes: Kents (July), and Apple sweet but fibrous (July).
- Late-Season Mangoes: Keitts (August-Sept).
To order specific verities, first, make sure you are ordering a variety that is available (see A typical season above). If it is not available, we will schedule your order when it is available. As you are checking out, you will see a NOTES section near the bottom of the page in which to put your variety desired. If you do not specify “Only”, we will make a substitute for what we are currently picking. The NOTES section is the first place we look when scheduling your order. You can also email us with your Order# if for some reason you miss the NOTES section: TheMangoFactory@gmail.com. Sending boxes to multiple addresses can be handled the same way or any special instructions you want us to know about your order. We try to accommodate most requests if possible, so please make your requests in the NOTES section. Click “HERE” to order.
3 ways to enjoy our mangoes: Click on the following links that best matches your need:
- If you have questions about your order, email them to TheMangoFactory@gmail.com and include your 4-digit order number with the question.
- We send emails informing you when the season opens and when we are picking different varieties. Register on this page if you are not already receiving emails from us.
- We appreciate your loyalty to The Mango Factory. We have been serving families for 3 generations (over 50 yrs). Make sure you click here on Reviews to see why.
- This website probably contains more information about mangoes than the average consumer needs to know, but because we have some of the best mangoes in the world, we believe that an informed customer can be a customer for life! The ultimate proof will be in the tasting. Try us, we guarantee it!