Usually in 2-3 days. It is shipped Priority Mail by the United States Post Office.
We ship tree mature mangoes but it will usually take a week for them to slightly soften to the touch before they are ready to eat. They will all not ripen at the same time. Just keep them uncovered until they just allow your fingers to slightly indent into the fruit and they will be ready. (If we shipped them soft ripe there is stronger possibility of damage in transit).
All of our fruit is fully guaranteed. Just let us know by email or phone and we will refund the prorated price back to your credit card less any shipping. You will never pay for bad fruit at The Mango Factory.
Yes just send us a separate email at the time of your order and we will try and accommodate. All of our varieties do not mature at the same time so certain varieties may have already come and gone or you may have to wait for a certain variety to mature. You can request a mix of varieties if we have more than one at the same time.
The season is a little bit different each year but typically it begins the middle of June and our first mangoes we pick are Haydens, Irwins and Cecils, followed by Valencia Prides usually all of July, Kents overlap with VPs towards the end of July to early August, followed by Keitts from the middle of August until the 1st week or two of September when the season ends. Typically a season lasts around 12 weeks, but it can be as short as 8 weeks or as long as 16 weeks.
It is an often asked question with no definite answer. Taste is a very individual quality. Our most requested mango is the Valencia Pride which has become our Signature Mango. My dad had the foresight to only plant the finest tasting, generally accepted, stingless mangoes. All of our mangoes are excellent tasting mangoes with only slight variations to the taste palette so my recommendation is to try them all and make that decision yourself.
No, No, No! A hundred times No.
We have more trees than most on Pine Island and we have early, midseason and late season mangoes to carry us through the whole season after other growers have run out.
Yes, most definitely. You can select your own mangoes (not pick), we pick fresh every day.
Yes, you can mix and match any variety. If you pick up, you save the $15-20 shipping. We do cater to the mango lover on our pricing. Your best pricing is on 20 lbs boxes or more, anything less you pay an increased price. We pride ourselves in that we are a grower that stands behind their product and not a fruit stand that purchases from the lowest seller.
Yes, if you purchase 100 pounds or more for 1 order, you will receive a 5% discount on your order. You must call 24 hrs in advance so that we will have your order when you arrive. You are encouraged to bring your own containers so we can transfer them from our containers to yours.
You can always find cheaper (especially the grocery store), but what is their quality, when did they pick them or did they fall to the ground, how did they grow them, did they use man-made chemicals or weed killers around them, are they going to have mangoes all season, what varieties do they have, and are they going to guarantee their fruit? You have to ask yourself why they are cheaper??? They may be a back yard grower or someone that has more than they can personally eat and has to sell before they go bad. Never discount the old adage that you get what you pay for.
Yes we do, if you make a reservation 24 hrs. in advance for a Mango Picking Adventure. See the home page mid-way down the page and click on the link for explanation and cost.
Most definitely we can. We will even take them to the Post Office for you.
We offer a $5 credit on your next order for any 1st time buyer that you refer to us that buys mangoes. Just have them email us that you referred them to us or give us their email and we will contact them for you, letting them know you wanted to share with them the finest mangoes available.
During the season we are usually open 7 days a week from 10:00 – 4:00 pm. If in doubt you can always call 239-283-0830 for a recorded message of our hours and what varieties we are picking. If possible we will answer the phone personally and answer your questions.
Most definitely. If you haven’t received your order in a reasonable time, email or call us.
We offer discounts on 2 and 3 box orders when purchased at the same time. Also any subscription order offers discounted savings to you.
We can not only help, but offer 4, 8 and 12 week orders that will arrive fresh at your door every week, and also offer discounts for ordering auto ship.
My dad picked his varieties very carefully, and planted mostly mangoes that he grafted himself but were developed about 60 years ago by the University of Florida. There are 1000s of different mangoes but only 100 or so that would be considered palatable quality. He was careful not to plant them too close together where one tree grew into another as most growers do, so that all of his trees get plenty of sunlight and trimmed them in such a way that there is no moisture build up in the canopy each day that promotes most of the mango problems. When you pick is extremely important, so that the proper amount of sugar in the fruit. Pick them before they are ready like most of the imported verities and you will have a tasteless mango. Ours measure 17 to 20 on the Brix Scale of Sugar.
No but they are just as organic without the expensive certification. It takes 3 years of correct growing practices to become certified. Nothing inorganic has been applied to our trees or ground in over 15 years and counting. We do not prescribe to Big Agricultural practices but practice Sustainable Methods all the way, that are good for you and the environment.
You can call and set up an appointment and we will try and accommodate.
Not at this time.
Canada will not allow fruit to cross their border. We can sell to us possetions.